Sunday, March 17, 2013

Feeling Japan!

Another long overdue post.

So i love Japan! The food (untried) , the clothes (untried) and the art (finally something I have tried)

The doramas, The anime, the j-pop.  (i do realise i've been over using "the" word) . Tried 'em all. N love 'em still!

So when an event like Feel Japan comes up, an fan can't miss it can she?? Yes she can! And she is. Missing it as she types this. Because she has other things to do today. On her singular day off. 

Moving on.., they have a contest for us fans. To flaunt our work and to declare our love for their cool country in a very public place. With lots of fun involved.

And so i participated. 

This here is what i made for the Cool Japan Festival 2013. And it did not make it to the top ten this year *sweatdrop* Not that it matters, coz i had fun making it  *grin*

The theme was "Cool Japan - Your Anime Interpretation"

The concept of the artwork is that I've tried to depict the awesomeness of Japan in its own flag. The samurai, horror, anime, food, tradition -and of course! cherryblossoms!! 

While I'm at it, I shall also post what I made last year. Which did make it to the top 10 *biig grin*
Plus I actually got to go to the fest last year! *super big grin*

The theme last year was "Traditional/ Modern Japan"

I picked a fusion of the two, and ended up with this ↑. 

Like what you see?? Or not???

Either way, lemme know ^_^

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