Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Drizzle Diaries #3

Another rainy day, another rainy post.

I love the rains and I love kids playing in the rains! There's a lot of nostalgia in this!

#drizzlediaries #3 - Kids in the rain

Have fun in the rains!!

Drizzle Diaries #2

Rains bring out the romantic in most people. And a walk in a drizzle is perfectly romantic.

#2 in #drizzlediaries - A Colorful Couple

Enjoy the rains!

Drizzle Diaries #1

Mmmm... the rains :)

Here begins my rainy 100 project #drizzlediaries

#1 - The Girl in the Rain

Love the rains!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Drizzle Diaries!!

Rains are an awesome time to stay home and doodle. The perfect view outside my window helps as well!! Hot tea, hot coffee, warm blankets and books! And an occasional bowl of steaming maggi! To celebrate the awesomeness that is rains I've decided to do something awesome! Hence, Coming up are 100 rain doodles -  from drizzle diaries :D  The first time I'm going to do something like this >_< So feel free to help me out with suggestions for posts, and your usual love is much appreciated ^_^

And watch this space for #drizzlediaries